Motorsport Memoria
By Banni Dietrich
I am Italian journalist. I've worked longtime for Italian magazines Autosprint, Rombo, Motorsprint and others. Actually I am one of the Motorsport Memorial researchers.
A few words about the Motorsport Memorial:
The Motosport Memorial Foundation is a non-profit, non-commercial project, run by a team of twelve in North and South America and Europe, including me, and supported by a network of literally hundreds of regular contributors. The project is conducted on a complete voluntary basis, you will not find ads in the pages and in no way we will exploit commercially the site's content. We don't even retain the copyrights on the published material, all the copyrights are held by the original sources, always cited in every page.
We have already entered pages on Antonio Ascari, Marius Breton, Gérard De Courcelles and Amedeo Ruggeri and jean de Latour
but we havo no information about the fatal accidents of Cozetti, Dupré, Marchal, Assatour and Berthelon that happened at Monthléry.
Can you help us? Do you know anything more about these sad facts? Any date? What did really happen? Do you know some bio notes on these deceased racers?
If you want to send us any other informations, details, pictures etc. about these accidents, we will be proud to enter your works in the Motorsport Memorial. The sources used for the compilation of the records are listed at the bottom of any page.
Please reply me:
Best regards and thanks for the attention you would dedicate to the Motorsport Memorial (your candid comments and suggestions are most welcome).